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I am the administrator for this blog announce that for while the mediafire download link will be "DELETED" caused by mediafire does not support any file hoting anymore.

Later, I will update the link and add another full software.

Forgive me for inconvenience.

My Portofolio

mcdeden | 01:50 | 0 comments

As a software developer, here are several of my successfull project that i have ever built.

  1. Time Slot Allocation
  2. CD/DVD Manager
  3. Book Management
  4. Mobile Diary Engine (MDEngine)
  5. Land and Building Asset Management PT. KAI Bandung Based GIS.
  6. Cutomer Network PT. Aplikanusa Lintasarta based on GIS
  7. FillPulse
  8. Office Inventory
  9. LBUTools
  10. MGM Administration
  11. E-Credit 
  12. SMS Banking 
  13. DHN Tools
  14. LHBU Tool
  15. LBU Text Generator
  16. Intranet SMS Register
  17. Vehicle Management Information System of Koperasi Mitra Usaha Saudara.
  18. Inventory System
  19. Asset Sales Management
  20. Chicken Farm Information System
That are several of my projects and will be increase while i am developing.
