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I am the administrator for this blog announce that for while the mediafire download link will be "DELETED" caused by mediafire does not support any file hoting anymore.

Later, I will update the link and add another full software.

Forgive me for inconvenience.

Billing-29 v.2.6 - Client Full Mediafire

mcdeden | 10:36 | 2 comments

Fitur BILLING-29 v.2.6 :
  1. Block Application
  2. Block Internet Access
  3. Sold Transaction
  4. Prepaid and Postpaid Member
  5. Remote Taskmanager, Capture, Turn Off, Restart dan Log Off.
  6. Chat Tools
  7. Simple Cost Setting
  8. Note Transaction
  9. Data Operator
  10. Log Activity
  11. Transaction Report
  12. Auto Turnoff, Restart atau Log Off
  13. Manual Login



  1. Anonymous says:

    ini client full maksudnya gimana, gan? data transaksi ga bisa hilang lewat 7 hari gitu ya?

  2. mcdeden says:

    full release kang mksdnya....